Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm in

I passed my National Registry Exam for Emergency Medical Technicians last Wednesday! Now, all I have to do wait for ten to fifteen days until I receive my National Certification card, then I will be good to apply at Emergency Rooms and possibly Fire Depts. Next month, I am starting my Fire Academy at Auburn Career Center and once that is over, I will be a Firefighter/EMT and then it is off to Paramedic School. But, that won't be anytime soon. I want to get some experience in the EMT field and experience actual runs before I go into a year long class, that will make me totally devote my time to. Also, thanks to everyone who is on Blogger and Facebook who commented on my Facebook post. Have a good one!

Later days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice goin' Tony!