Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ready to go.

Well I am all signed up to take the National Registry EMT exam. Next Wednesday is the day where it all happens. I'll be, and I have been studying like mad the past couple days so that I am well prepared for it. Also, my 240 class might be starting up again next month. It was cancelled in December of last year because there was a lack of participants and lack of payment. But, hopefully it will all work out this time. Keepin' my fingers crossed. With all of that, I am also set for my classes at Lakeland for this semester. Thankfully I am only taking 3 of my fire classes this semester, but from the description on the classes, that will be plenty. I'm going to be pretty busy now jamming wonderful knowledge in my noggin. Have a good day!

1 comment:

Sara Harper said...

Study study study! I know you'll do great!